
Saturday, 29 May 2021

Mr. Morrison & Rose.

 In class I have been given random math equations in class and here is another one of my random equations.

300ml 3h 7:00am                  90ml 6h 7:00am
290ml 3h 10:00am               85ml 6h 1:00pm
280ml 3h 1:00pm                 80ml 6h 7:00pm Day 1
270ml 3h 4:00pm                 75ml 6h 7:00am
260ml 3h 7:00pm Day 1      70ml 6h 1:00pm
250ml 3h 7:00am                65ml 6h 7:00pm Day 2
240ml 3h 10:00am              60ml 6h 7:00am
230ml 3h 1:00pm                55ml 6h 1:00pm
220ml 3h 4:00pm                50ml 6h 7:00pm Day 3
210ml 3h 7:00pm Day 2     45ml 6h 7:00am
200ml 3h 7:00am               40ml 6h 1:00pm
190ml 3h 10:00am             35ml 6h 7:00pm Day 4
180ml 3h 1:00 pm              30ml 6h 7:00am 
170ml 3h 4:00pm               25ml 6h 1:00pm
160ml 3h 7:00pm Day 3    20ml 6h 7:00pm Day 5
150ml 3h 7:00am              15ml 6h 7:00am
140ml 3h 10:00am            10ml 6h 1:00pm
130ml 3h 1:00pm              5ml 6h 7:00pm Day 6
120ml 3h 4:00pm
110ml 3h 7:00pm Day 4
100ml 3h 7:00am
90ml 3h 9:00am
80ml 3h 10:00am
70ml 3h 3:00pm
60ml 3h 6:00pm Day 5
50ml 3h 7:00am
40ml 3h 10:00am
30ml 3h 1:00pm
20ml 3h 4:00pm
10ml 3h 7:00pm Day 6

And there we have it, it shows that they both finished there QwikQure at Six days 

Friday, 28 May 2021


This week in class I am doing a reflection of what I have done in Te Ao Whanui.

In Te Ao Whanui I have been looking at invention that can change the world.

The time that I read the instruction carefully by doing a few comprehensions like Easio the yoghurt, the Jetboat

My personal best work is when I did the news report about the book New Zealand's Treasure Island.

The time when I was a self-manager was the time when I was skim-reading the stories throughout the week.

So that is it, that is my reflection throughout Te Ao Whanui so far. 

Monday, 24 May 2021

String Instruments

 String Instruments 

In class we have been looking four families. Woodwind family, String family, Brass family and Percussion family. Today I am looking at the Sting family, and there four questions that I will answer.

1. What is a Sting Instruments? A String instrument is Guitar, Ukulele, Harp, Base, Double base, Electric bass, Bass guitar. 

2. What are the parts of a Ukulele. Head, peg, Neak, Body, Feat Board, Nut, Fret, Fret space, Feat marker, Sting, Sound hole, Bridge and Saddle

3. You can play string instruments by. plucking the strings Strumming the strings or using a bow


Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Pa Tuwatawata

In class I have been reading a book, Pa Tuwatawata and here is some questions.
  • What was the purpose of a pa. These defenses Military Structures were built maori to counter the might of the British forces
  • how did pa offer advantage of maori over the british superpower. Britain was the world's greatest superpower. There amy outnumbered the maori defenses.
  • What was some features of pa?. Lines of human-made stockades, Patutu(Palisade), Pataka(Storehouse).
  • Define these terms in your own words.
  • Storehouse Meaning. Where you store things in.
  • Earthworks Meaning. Building things ECO Friendly
  • Rangatira Meaning. Chief
  • Pekerangi Meaning. Additional day                                                           

Saturday, 15 May 2021

New Zealand Sign Language.

Today in class I am learning about New zealand sign language.

Here are the questions that I will be answering there's four questions.

When did it become an official language? It become a language here in christchurch in the summer in 1880.

Why was there a need of NZ Sign Language? For deaf children.

Two facts about the deaf community is:

1. Children with disabilities weren't be able to go to school

2.  In 1878, MP William Rolleston, a future minister of education, argued that deaf children should be educated locally rather than sent to deaf schools in Australia.

In what city did New Zealand Sign Language began in the 1800s? Christchurch.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021



  • Who created Easiyo. Len Light 
  • Why do I think Len light called his yoghurt easiyo. Maybe because the way that he made the easiyo.
  • Why does yoghurt not remain healthy for very long, even in the supermarket fridges.Storing longer than that allows molds, yeast and slow-growing bacteria to grow and spoil your yogurt.
  • What does the word " Deteriorate " Mean. become progressively worse.
  • What steps are required to make yoghurt with the easiyo system.
  • Half fill your yogurt jar with room temperature drinking water (15-20°C). Add the contents of the yogurt sachet, pop on the lid and give it a good shake, push the plastic insert into your yogurt maker as far as it can go, you're all set, now simply wait for the magic to happen.
  • When was the easiyo company sold. 2010.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Jet Boats

 In literacy we were given names in our literacy groups, my literacy groups name is Jet Boats. I had to research about a jet boat and the questions.

  Jet Boat

  • Who created the jet boat. Sir William Bill Hamilton
  • When did Sir William Bill Hamilton create the jet boat. 1950s
  • How did Sir William Bill Hamilton came up with the idea.Jet boats. In the 1950s Hamilton set out to try to build a boat that could navigate the shallow fast flowing rivers where he lived. The rivers were too shallow for propeller driven boats to navigate as the propeller would hit the river bottom.
  • What is it's purpose. Jet Boats were originally designed by Sir William Hamilton in 1954. His goal was a boat to run up the fast-flowing rivers of New Zealand that were too shallow for propellers.

  • How has it helped to change the would.Unlike a Jet Boats were originally designed by Sir William Hamilton in 1954 was to change the design so it expelled the jetstream above the water line, contrary 


Today at school we have been learning music at school.

To be honest I think music is were two types of sound that makes harmony and melody, I also think that music is types of categories.

I got a video of my favorite song, Chasing Cars 

At school I have learnt to count the beat, figuring out what song my teacher would put on every period  we would have Miss Bancroft

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Tia Saves Money & Tom Spends Money.

At school I was told form my teacher that I need to do this equation,  Now when I complete this you can comment to say if it is right or not.


Tia gets payed $2.50 per day                                                       Tom finds $20.00 and spends $2.00 per day

Monday $2.50                                                                              Monday $18.00                                                                                                                                      

Tuesday $5.00                                                                              Tuesday $16.00                                                                                                                              

Wednesday $7.50                                                                          Wednesday $14.00

Thursday $10.00                                                                           Thursday  $12.00

Friday $12.50                                                                                Friday $10.00

Saturday $15.00                                                                            Saturday $8.00                                                                          

Sunday $17.50                                                                              Sunday $6.00

So that is it Tia got $17.50 by Sunday and Tom spent $14.00 by Sunday and left with $6.00 Like I said before you guys can comment to see if was right or if I was wrong.


 In class we have been talking about the least important things and the most important thing that people use now, 

I picked electricity because without electricity we can not turn on lights, use the oven to cook, to turn on the jug or not be able to have hot showers.

For me, if there was no electricity I would not be able to do homework.